Report Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying


Electronic Reporting Form (coming soon!)

The Griffin School District is committed to safe and equitable environment for all students, staff, parents/legal guardians, volunteers and patrons; that is free from harassment, intimidation or bullying. The district is committed to ensuring that our district is a place where everyone feels safe, accepted, valued, respected and included.
The following beliefs support his policy:

A belief that the district has the responsibility to create equitable, safe and positive environments through the implementation of policy and procedures that are intentionally crafted to support all students, staff, families and community. A belief that a positive school climate starts with acceptance, inclusion and respect for everyone within our district. A belief that creating a culture of equity is critical to maximizing student learning potential and developing environments where staff can do their best work. A belief that students, staff, parents, and community have a vested interest in collaborating to support the district vision of Griffin students becoming “Lifelong Learners Leading Productive, Healthy and Responsible Lives.” The Griffin School Board is committed to
a safe and civil educational environment.