Congrats Griffin Grizzly Boys volleyball players for an undefeated season! Not to mention a demonstration of excellent sportsmanship!! 🏐🏐🐻
5 days ago, Erin Hagen
Boys volleyball @ Marshall! Go Grizzlies!! 🐻🏐🐻
30 days ago, Erin Hagen
Our Griffin Middle School staff rocks! 🪨 🐻 🐻 🎸
about 1 month ago, Erin Hagen
staff pic
Rue's Wrap: Last week, our students and staff delivered a powerful assembly, honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It takes courage to speak in front of a large crowd at an assembly, and I'm especially proud of Nysha Jagtiani, Julia Oestreich, and Max Graunke who, inspired by Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech, shared their own dreams for the world that they will grow up in. Their themes, grounded in equity, opportunity, and environmental health for future generations, were inspiring. They are tomorrow's future leaders! A big shout out and thank you to the staff who helped organize the assembly, all of our amazing student performers, and the many community members who attended the event to help us honor a great man who left a lasting legacy.
about 1 month ago, Kirsten Rue
Rue's Wrap: It was an exciting last few weeks of 2024 at Griffin. The 5th graders had their concert debut, our kindergarteners had a parade through the school celebrating that they had learned their alphabet, holiday music abounded, and the kindergarteners caught the administrative team in the act of eating the gingerbread man that they had baked with our Grizzly Grill staff. It was so fun to see students and staff coming together to build fond school memories. As we usher out 2024 and welcome 2025, I want to wish you and yours a very happy holiday season! See you next year!
2 months ago, Kirsten Rue
Gingerbread Man
Alpha Parade
4th grade
4th proj
jenson's class
Band Ussie
5th Grade Band
A wonderful performance by the Griffin Band at tonight's Tree Lighting! It was also fun to see some past students join the performance!🎄🎄🎄
3 months ago, Erin Hagen
Thank you Griffin students for raising the Squaxin Island Flag in your classrooms as part of celebrating Native American Heritage Month!
3 months ago, Kelli Anderson, District Coordinator
Squaxin Flag
Help make the holidays bright for a Griffin Family in need. Select a virtual tag and return the wrapped gift to the main office by December 13, 2024.
4 months ago, Kelli Anderson, District Coordinator
season of sharing
Next week (November 18 - 22) is Middle School Spirit Week, join in on the fun!!!
4 months ago, Erin Hagen
Rue's Wrap: It was an honor to present 3rd grader Max Obrian with a special recognition during our Veteran's Day assembly today. Max was the recipient of TCYFL's "Be Good to People" award for the kindness, care, compassion, and encouragement that he showed not just to his team, but also to the opposing teams. His story touched my heart and made a lot of us at Griffin very proud. Max, thank you for lifting others up through your actions. You are a great role model for all of us.
4 months ago, Kirsten Rue
🇺🇸Photos from our Veteran's Day Assembly🇺🇸 Thank you Veterans for your service! ❤️🤍💙
4 months ago, Erin Hagen
Please join us for our Annual Veterans Day Assembly this Friday, November 8th at 10:00 AM in the Gym. Griffin students have prepared an amazing program to honor generations of America's veterans!
4 months ago, Kelli Anderson, District Coordinator
Will the "REAL" Principal and Superintendent please stand up!
4 months ago, Kelli Anderson, District Coordinator
Memories from Middle School Monster Mash dance, it was spookily fun!! 🪩 🎃 👻
4 months ago, Erin Hagen
Rue's Wrap: It's been an exciting week so far, and there is still a "Monster Mash" dance to come tonight, followed by the epic PTO Fall Festival tomorrow evening. It was a big honor this week to make the starting introductions at the Middle School Fall Band concert. It was fun to capture an "ussie" with the 6th grade band to kick off the event! I was so impressed with the musical talent of our students. Way to go, Grizzly Band members, and thank you to Mrs. Palmer for all that she does to support the growth of our musicians. I was also invited to help celebrate with Ms. Jirsa's class today...they are "nailing it" in regard to attendance. Her class has had perfect attendance on 30 out of our 38 school days so far! That's amazing. It was fun to pose for a wacky picture with the class to commemorate the celebration. Way to go, 4th graders! And thank you to all of you parents out there who are helping your kids get to school every day and reinforcing the importance of "showing up." These are life lessons that will pay dividends in the future. That said, if your student is having trouble getting to school, please reach out to our counselors. We want to help and support families in removing barriers to strong school attendance. We stand ready to team with you in the building of great attendance habits! Go Grizzlies!
4 months ago, Kirsten Rue
Band Concert
Band Concert
Jirsa's Class
Proceeds from this year's Book Fair will benefit our students and our school. Thank you for supporting our kids! Happy Reading! Order now . . .
4 months ago, Kelli Anderson, District Coordinator
Book Fair
Just some friendly competition over here in the middle school!! #gohawks
5 months ago, Erin Hagen
Sheriff Sanders Town Hall Meeting Please join Sheriff Sanders at Griffin School on Wednesday, October 16th at 6:30 PM in the School Cafeteria. Attendees can expect updates on local law enforcement initiatives, an open question-and-answer session with him and information about how residents can become involved in keeping Thurston County safe.
5 months ago, Kelli Anderson, District Coordinator
Sheriff Town Hall Meeting
Rue's Wrap: Our kindergarteners finished their second week of school this week (and our 1st graders were excited to pose for a picture, too!). It's been a joy to welcome this group of young learners to school and to see their smiling faces! School safety is a high priority for us at Griffin. During these first few weeks of school, we conducted an earthquake drill and a fire drill. Our students and staff took the drills seriously, evacuating the building and lining up quickly and efficiently out on the field. Good work, Grizzlies! We will continue to practice safety drills approximately once per month throughout the school year.
6 months ago, Kirsten Rue
Rue's Wrap
Rue's Wrap
Rue's Wrap
Mr. Pipkins 7th grade science class exploring with microscopes today! 🧫🧪 Did you know we have our own pond outside his classroom to collect samples?!
6 months ago, Erin Hagen